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Program Highlights

Although we cannot see you in person, we are thrilled that you will be joining us for EAM2021@Virtual. Under the theme "Responsible Management: Opportunities and Challenges", we have created a program to bring the community of EAM members together. We are sure this year's program will provide you opportunities to expand your research interests and connect with old and new colleagues and friends!

Here are some highlights of this year's program:

  • PDWs on methodologies, developing responsible programs, DEI, teaching online, and work-family balance.
  • Research presentations on conference theme, COVID-19 and its implications and many other research topics.
  • Keynote Speech by Dr. Mette Morsing, Head of PRME
  • Methods workshops on Construct Validation and Scale Development, Structure Equation Modeling and Qualitative Methods
  • Dean's Panel on New AACSB standards
  • Meet the editors of OMJ, JME, SAJBS, Quality Assurance in Education
  • Consortiums (sign up required during registration) Lean More about Consortiums here
Doctoral Students Consortium provided opportunity to network with your peers and exchange ideas with a trio of distinguished EAM Fellows on teaching and research. Beginning on Tuesday May 18th immerse yourselves in career development guidance and discussions followed by three research methods PDWs on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday delivered by renowned experts. The keynote on Friday May 21st will focus on the salience of sustainability in Management education.

Junior Faculty Consortium provides networking and professional development opportunities for our pre-tenure participants. We will address issues relating to the challenges of research, teaching, service, and home life.This year’s program will include a structured networking activity, a dean’s panel on the tenure process, and focused round table discussions that will be based on participants’ interests. The tables will be hosted by senior EAM Fellows-a great opportunity to meet potential mentors and feel more at home at the conference. 

The Mid-Career and Senior (MSFC) Consortium creates a space for open and frank conversation of special interest to EAM participants at mid or senior career.   After an opening about confidentiality, we will invite participants to join a conversation/community.  For example, mid-career faculty have often been promoted and want to talk about, “Now what do I want to do with the next 20 years of my career?”  Senior faculty may want to talk about “When should I retire?” or “What will I do when I retire?” or “How do I stay current in my field?  All faculty might be concerned about the career consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Will travel funds be restored?  What is the impact on faculty workload?  Do I want to continue in higher education?  Join us for this important discussion!

      Social Events
      • Non-Zoom social hours in real-time and fun virtual space to have conversations to meet up with old friends and make new ones.
      • 10 Giveaways every day!! 

      Instructions for Conference

      EAM 2021@ Virtual Program is now Available 

      Even though we still yet be together 'face to face' we have put together an exciting program with many workshops, panels and interesting paper sessions!!! We will be using  'Attendify' as a virtual platform to host our conference.

      Access EAM 2021 Program Book here.

      Find information about Attendify and how to navigate the virtual conference here 

      EAM 2021 Help Desk Available During the Conference!!!

      Contact Details


      Live chat on Skype

      Skype ID: live:.cid.6539ae577b5b65e4

      Help Desk Hours 

      May 19th, Wednesday: 8.30 am to 12.30 and 1.00 to 5.00 pm. 

      May 20th, Thursday: 8.30 am to 12.30 and 1.00 to 5.00 pm. 

      May 21st, Friday: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. 

      May 22nd, Saturday, 9.00 to 11.00 am

      Copyright Eastern Academy of Management, Inc.

      A 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt charitable organization registered with the IRS. Tax-id: 82-0741361

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