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Caryn Beck-Dudley

President and CEO, AACSB International

Caryn Beck-Dudley became AACSB’s new president and CEO in June 2020 and previously served as the seventh dean of the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University, a position she assumed on August 1, 2015. A well-established scholar in employment law and the design of ethical organizations, she previously served as dean of the College of Business at Florida State University and the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University.

During her first year at the helm of AACSB, a new agile strategic plan was drafted and implemented, the new 2020 accreditation standards were adopted by the Accreditation Council and successfully launched, over 125 virtual events were held to support the global membership and a robust peer review team training was implemented

Before being named president and CEO, Beck-Dudley served two terms on the AACSB Board of Directors and served as the FY2018-19 Board Chair. She has served on numerous committees of the corporation, and previously chaired the Maintenance of Accreditation Committee where she reviewed hundreds of business schools at a variety of universities worldwide.

She speaks frequently about disruption in higher education and works with leaders in reimagining how higher education can serve the workforce needs of the future.

Click here for Dr. Beck-Dudley's CV

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